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Who We Are

We believe God is Love. We are committed to sound Bible teaching, to the empowering reality of the sacraments, the gift giving work of the Holy Spirit, and to building up relationships with God, and with one another. St. Paul's Church is all about the simple, authentic faith that we read about in the Bible. If you show up to St. Paul's, you’ll be welcomed with open arms by a Christ-centered church community right as you walk through the doors. Want to know what matters to us? The Bible Matters. You Matter. Truth Matters. Serving Matters.

Children's Ministry

St Paul's offers a professional and powerfully effective children's ministry led by  experts in relational children's ministry.  


"My children have never learned as much in Sunday School  or responded as positively as they do with Pastor Daniel and Marla."

We are so blessed to have Pastor Daniel and Marla Watts, internationally recognized leaders in ministry to children. Thousands have come to faith as children because of what God has done with them as missionaries in Poland, Uganda, South America and more. We know we are offering a very important and special ministry of making true disciples of Jesus among our young people. And we are filled with gratitude for Daniel and Marla!

Plan Your Visit

Our services blend traditional and contemporary styles of music and worship. We follow a liturgy of common and responsive prayers that are taken directly out of Scripture. We are part of the deeply faithful and spiritual, time tested life of the Anglican Church (ACNA). Each week we pray, sing, read Scripture, listen to a sermon, and celebrate Holy Communion. We believe our lives are transformed by a living, authentic encounter with the God of Love. We are relaxed in our Sunday dress, provide professional and caring leadership for our children who may go to the children's center after the first couple songs of the service, or they can remain in the service with their family. Theres snacks and coffee after each service, a time to share and meet others. The Rector (Senior Pastor) will be available to any visitor to answer any questions and give information about the church. We encourage you to simply come as you are.


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